At Harefield Infant School we aim to provide a stimulating, safe and happy environment that will enable all pupils, including those with additional needs, to develop to their full potential whilst also learning to respect others, their environment and to promote their self-esteem.
We recognise that all teachers are teachers of children with Special Educational Needs and that all of these children are entitled to access a broad and balanced curriculum including the National Curriculum. Therefore we aim to ensure that they are given the support necessary through differentiated work, appropriate individual and small group support and appropriate equipment to enable them to be included and to have access to all areas of the school life and to prepare them for their future. We are committed to the early identification of additional needs which then helps us to identify what provision the children need.
Some of our children have more complex needs and so receive extra 1:1 or small group intervention support by our excellent teaching assistants for differentiated programmes of work based on their individual needs, including outside agency advice, which helps to develop their skills and understanding and their access to the curriculum.
The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Ms J.Trainor. She supports the children and staff at the school by carrying out assessments, advising on programmes of work, liaising with outside agencies, involving the children and parents in giving their views and providing training on additional needs. She also meets with the parents of children on our SEND register to review their child’s progress, to offer advice, support their liaison with outside agencies, and to involve them in planning future targets for their children. You can contact Ms Trainor via the school office.
You can view Hillingdon’s local offer, which provides information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their parents/carers and allows families to see what they can expect from a range of local agencies and how to access them, by clicking here.
You can read the school’s SEN Information Report by clicking here.
You can read the school’s SEND Policy by clicking here.